The way I got started as a seller on Ebay was by selling some music equipment I no longer had any use for. I listed this equipment in an auction and I was amazed how quickly it sold. Unfortunately, for me I didn't have any more things lying around the house that I could sell.
Determined to sell more things on Ebay I turned to a reliable source who always came through for me since I was a child. You guessed right! It was my mother. I asked my mother did she have any items around the house that she wanted to get rid of. To my surprise she had some vintage Gucci and Louis Vuitton handbags that she no longer used and didn't mine parting with to help her dear son.
Needless to say these designer bags also sold quickly. I mean what woman doesn't want a vintage Gucci or Luis Vuitton bag? I took my mother to dinner and thanked her for allowing me to sell her stuff on Ebay. I was also very thankful because she assisted me in opening up my eyes to recognizing Ebay as a potential cash machine.
Predictably, I ran out of stuff to sell but I was undeterred. I began studying other Ebay seller's auctions. I focused specifically on the auctions of the people who were Ebay powersellers. I figured hey they must know a thing a two that the average Ebay seller doesn't know.
Two things that I noticed in my research were that these powersellers were selling brand name items at great prices and they never seemed to run out of them. My instincts told me that it was no way in the world that these sellers were buying and stocking all of these items. Based on this belief I began my journey to discover their secret to selling on Ebay.
After several months, I finally stumbled upon their secret. It was an incredible way of doing business called dropshipment. In short, dropshipment works like this. You don't have to stock any inventory or use any of your own money to buy the product. You simply copy the images and descriptions of the product you want to sell from the dropshipment wholesaler's website or catalog, markup the price for profit, and list the item on Ebay.
Once your Ebay customer has paid you would then forward the customer's name and address along with a payment through paypal to the dropshipment company for the product. After you have paid the dropshipment company for the product, what's left over is of course is your profit.
The dropshipment company then ships the product to your customer in your name. Now how easy is that? I thought to myself. You didn't have to stock any inventory, stand in line at the post office and you didn't need money to make money. All you had to do was list products on Ebay and sit back and watch the pour in!
I utilized dropshipping to sell all kinds of products from digital cameras to karaoke machines. After a short period of time I soon joined the ranks as an Ebay powerseller. So the lesson is this. You first need to be motivated to begin as a seller on Ebay and the best way to get started as a seller is to start by first cleaning out your closet, attic, garage or any other place where you store your unused items You know the items I'm talking about remember?
The items that you supposedly cherished and wholeheartedly promised to put to good use once you got around to it. But hey you and I know that you never got around to it. Don't worry I promise to keep this our "little secret" only after you've agreed to the following conditions:
Condition number one. You have to get out the dust rag and began to dust off these hidden treasures and prepare to sell them on Ebay.
Condition number two. You must register as a seller on Ebay. It is fast, simple and most of all free. To register as a seller, all you need is a debit or credit card and a checking account.
Also, don't forget to sign up with Paypal so that you can accept online payments for your auctions. When you sign up for your personal Paypal account, make sure you click on the link to upgrade to the Premier account. This upgrade will allow you to accept credit card payments.
And oh by the way Ebay owns Paypal and integrates it so well in its auction system that it makes buying and selling on Ebay as easy as A-B-C.
Condition number three. This is the final condition. Before the week is over, you have to list your first item for sale on Ebay or I'm going to reveal our little secret!
Always remember when you run out of things to sell, you can always use dropshipping to get you back in the ball game.
About the Author
Omar Johnson is an Ebay powerseller and the creator of the homestudy course "How To Make Money On The Internet While You Are Asleep"

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ReplyDeleteYour post is lovely! I feel It really isn't a difficult thing to do if you can follow the steps they tell you to follow. There are starting up guides and pointers on how to find the niche products and how to sell those niche products on ebay
Great post